Monday 4 May 2015

Evaluation - Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media products?

Saturday 2 May 2015

Teddy Bear Transformation

In our trailer, the teddy bear starts to become an evil being, guiding the child towards the Mother. Therefore we needed to make the Teddy more menacing and noticeably evil.  We decided that we would put stitches in the teddy, revealing information about the witch. I found it hard to stitch into the teddy because the fabric was so thick, however I wasn't trying to be neat with the stitching so it didn't effect the way I created the words.

The A.L on the chest of teddy stands for the name Anne Leech, which is the woman we have based our witch character on. I also stitched in a demonic symbol to show the danger the teddy represents. On the teddy's head I created scratch marks to show that the witch was in control of him and she's the one that creates these marks. Although it is unclear in this image, on the forehead of the teddy I have stitched in the date 1645 because that it is the year Anne Leech was convicted of sorcery and killed.

Finished Film Magazine

This is my finished film magazine. Previously, the sell lines were white and grey, but I felt that I needed to integrate colours into these to gel the magazine together. Therefore I decided to add red, and create a pattern of colours. I feel this has made my magazine visually appealing and it fits with the overall magazine cover.
I have changed the pug to a specific interview with the actress in the main image so that she is identified on the page.
I am extremely happy at how my magazine has turned out. I was predominately influenced by the 2008 Empire issue, featuring Harry Potter. In particular the main image and sell lines.