Sunday 28 September 2014

Film Genre

To be able to devise a film plot, I must have a particular genre in mind. Therefore to make a decision I must research different film categories so I fully understand what they include which will be essential when producing my film plot and trailer.

Action & Adventure 

These two genres are normally categorised together because they aim to achieve an action filled film that is energetic and full of visual spectacles. The audience expect to see explosions, fight scenes and hero's and villains to name a few.
Examples of an action/adventure film include:

  • Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • The Hunger Games
  • The Dark Knight
  • King Arthur  
Action and adventure films are intended to appeal mainly to men because of their masculine nature however, females can also enjoy this genre even though it is not targeted at them. 
I feel it would be extremely difficult to make a trailer with this genre as it would require an expensive budget to make it successful but some scenes could be achievable with the right mise-en-scene if it were available.

Romantic Comedy's 

Rom-com's are usually associated with a female audience and therefore need include material that will attract this audience. Some expectations included in this film genre are: a relationship, disruptions, an element of humour to make it light hearted and easy going for people to watch and happy endings.
Films that follow this type of structure are:
  • The Holiday
  • When Harry Met Sally
  • Bridget Jones's Diary
  • Love Actually
I believe it would be extremely difficult to portray a realistic relationship in my trailer without it looking cheesy. As I will be using amateur actors, it would be hard to make them feel comfortable with each other, it wouldn't work. It would be easy to create the mise-en-scene of the scenes as it wouldn't require a huge budget, and romance would be easy to create with non-diegetic music and dialogue but overall it wouldn't be easy to                                                                 achieve. 


Conventions of horror films are very distinctive in a film, examples of these are: death, dark lighting, blood, suspense, violence. These types of films are stereotypically targeted at men, but also appeal to females depending on the narrative of the film. Here are some examples of famous horror films:
  • The Shining
  • Sinister
  • The Exorcist 
  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 
When looking into the mise-en-scene of horror films, I believe I could achieve a successful horror trailer as they don't require a big budget, just cleverly thought out shots to scare the audience. It is also easy to have dark lighting as it could be filmed during the winter/ in the night. It is a genre that I may think of doing for my trailer because of this.


Thriller's are similar to horror movies as they aim to scare the audience which is why these genre's can be paired together. This genre scares it's audience by using tension, excitement and suspense. They tend to give the audience adrenaline when watching the film because it is fast paced. Examples of thrillers are:
  • Shutter Island
  • The Woman in Black
  • Psycho
  • The Silence of the Lambs
The target audience for this genre are also predominately male depending on the film. I also believe that a thriller trailer could be exciting to make but not too technical. It carries the same elements as a horror and wouldn't need a lot of money to produce a good trailer. I could create a trailer with this genre successfully.

After exploring different genre's I have decided to look further into horror/thriller trailers because I am interested to see the techniques they use to entice an audience. I believe using this genre would be the most achievable trailer to make successfully.

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