Tuesday 14 October 2014

Individual Plot Synopsis

In order to create a trailer, a film plot has to be made. This is my original idea for a horror film. I was inspired by films such as The Silence of The Lambs and Saw as I believe they affect an audience psychologically with the use of a taboo topic. I wanted the plot to revolve around something which people fear and believe is unthinkable which is why I chose the male character as a cannibal. It would inject fear into anyone watching it because of the nature of the character. Also I didn't want to introduce many characters into the plot because I wanted the main girl to feel isolated and alone in a horrific situation. It would make the audience feel uncomfortable and empathise with this female character.

Set in a village, a girl who is home alone for the weekend invites her friends over, they start messaging a boy at a sleepover for fun. After speaking online the girls end up shutting the laptop and going to sleep because of weird messages which they brush off.
The next morning the main girl receives a text off an unknown number, she shows her friend wondering who it could be. The girl ignores this number, but the unknown continues to message her, the best friend teases her saying she's got a stalker. She asks her best friend if her dad could scan the mobile number to find out who it is. From this the main girl finally replies to the text asking them to leave her alone, the mystery person replies with a disturbing message which makes her throw her phone across the room. The main character chooses to ignore this comment and pretends nothing has happened. She decides to take her dog out for a walk to clear her mind, she hears various noises during this, the dog gets spooked and runs the other way.
When she gets home, the front door slams behind her. She decides to spend a night in the lounge but hears a noise and starts to pull the blind up only to reveal a stranger on the other side of the window. She gets hysterical and gets a phone call from her best friend with the information of the phone number. They discover who the mystery person is but don't recognise the name. Whilst on the phone, the main girl writes the name on Google to see if there are any matches, she discovers that this man is on the run for crimes unknown. She rings the police saying there is a mysterious man on the property.
After this she receives a text from the man and she peeks out of the corner of her blinds to see no man, suddenly she feels a hand on her shoulder and the girl runs out of the house with the man walking steadily behind, following her. The girl runs into a nearby forest always looking back to see if the man is still following her, it is frantic and distorted, she eventually trips and the audience see the man standing over her, she is unconscious.
She wakes up bruised, bound and gagged in a run down barn. We hear the man talking, she looks around and realises there is no escape. The audience hear screaming, shouting and gnawing and there is blood everywhere, around the room there is flesh hanging up and tools with blood stains. The man stands there covered in blood and is heavily breathing.
The police who had been alerted by the main girl turn up at her house to see the door wide open, they call for her but they hear no answer, they call again and hear a dog barking and scratching on a door. They open it and the dog bolt's past them looking agitated, he is whining looking for his owner. They get hold of the dog whilst searching the house for the girl, there is little trace of her or evidence of what has happened.
As they are exiting the house looking for more evidence, they find a scarf hanging over the fence post, the dog responds to this and begins to track the scent of the girl. It leads the police to the barn where her remains lie with the cannibal. As the murderer is scrubbing his hands and dowsing the barn with petrol to destroy the evidence the police see a figure in the ban from a distance. The police split up and surround the barn to capture this man, as they are doing so, the murderer hears rustling outside and starts to panic, he walks towards the door and lights a match, ready to set fire to the place. The police storm thought the door with weapons, shining torches into the barn and see evidence confirming the girl is dead. As they are about to arrest him he starts laughing, showing the blood between his teeth. he knows if he is arrested he will face life in prison and would rather die than be held accountable for his crimes. he knows his time is up and the audience see him drop the lit match out of his hand, which is the last shot of the film.

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