Monday 5 January 2015

Information on Characters

  • A Mother to Finlay and a wife to Luke
  • 24 years old 
  • Enjoys spending a lot of time with her son
  • A strong marriage between Alys and Luke 
  • Calm personality
  • An easy going character
  • 25 years old
  • In love with his wife Alys and will do anything for her
  • Spending time with family is what he enjoys 
  • Very helpful
  • His favourite hobby is sport, in particular football
  • 7 years old
  • Full of energy
  • Stereotypical seven year old boy
  • Loves his Mum and Dad 

We wanted to base the Witch's character on a true story, so we researched some information on witches. This is what we concluded for this character:

Name: Anne Leech
Died: 1645 by hanging (Witch trials) 
Lived: In a village 

We want to incorporate this information in our trailer. 

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