Sunday 22 February 2015

Analysis of Animatic shots

The image with the child in the corner of the barn was included in the animatic to make the child look vulnerable. The mise-en-scene is chilling because it looks dirty and run down and this adds to the atmosphere of the image. The child is holding a teddy to show that he is confiding in one thing that he loves unconditionally as he is nervous and scared. Although it is not shown in this picture, the teddy will have chants and details stitched into him to show that the witch is trying to get to the child, through the teddy. This will enhance the fear for the audience watching the trailer and they will empathise with the young boy.

The image to the right is canted to show the distortion of the mother's state of mind. In the moving trailer it will be filmed with a handheld camera so that the image is jerky, representing the twisted personality. The image shows the setting that the mother is trapped in. This image shows life from the mothers perspective as she is running away from the house. I believe it is an effective shot because it shows the struggle the mother is going through by the angle and perspective used.
 The establishing shot of the house shows the family as a unit. It sets the scene of the whole film and therefore is important for the audiences understanding. The child is holding the teddy to show he can't go without it, he appears to be holding the teddy by the hand which shows that the child treats the teddy like a family member. The father is carrying a box to show that the family are moving in.

The shot of the mother in the mirror is effective because of the make-up. I drew bruises onto my skin to show the physical pain the mother is going through fighting back possession. Also I used make-up on the eyes to make them stand out. I feel as if I could have made the make-up more prominent, however I feel it works and it is something I can improve on for the moving image. The distorted face will show the differentiation between the mother as herself and the mother being possessed. It is an image that will shock the audience as it will flash on the screen.

I believe this image makes the most impact because of the mise-en-scene. The barn as a setting is perfect because of how run-down it looks. The Mother's face is vacant which emphasises the fact that her body is possessed. It is an awkward positioning of the Mother's body which therefore creates a terrifying image. I, again, used make-up to highlight the mother's eyes and will make it more noticeable in the moving image. At the moment I feel like our trailer is representing a thriller genre, rather than a horror. therefore I would like to suggest to my group that we include new shots in the trailer that represent the horror genre.                                                                              

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