Original Poster Analysis
Title Block
The word 'Delirium' means a disturbed state of mind which suggests that the female in the poster is showing signs of madness and insanity. The block letters of the title add a bold effect to the poster and the shadow behind it creates a sense of mystery. Around the letters of the title, the shadows look like they have been etched in with a pen, this represents that there has been a disturbance for the woman. It is conventionally the biggest text on the page.
The tag-line 'Consumed by conjury, embodying evil' reflects that the female on the poster has been disturbed by a dark magic, and is now living with a constant evil inside her. The use of having one sentence means it is memorable and so an audience member would keep it in mind when talking about the film. It is positioned in a semi-circle shape over the image to be a part of the cycle, enhancing the image with explanation to the progression of the character being possessed. It is in the same font as the title to maintain the consistency of the film.
The key art of the image stands out on the page and is the main focus of the poster. It shows the cycle of the progression of possession in a human being and how that person can change. The female is wearing the same costume in each photograph of her but her appearance deteriorates gradually through each image. The hair and make-up start to become more extreme and it starts to get disturbing. her collar bones start to become more prominent and sweaty which show the emaciated 'being' controlling the woman. There isn't much colour in the image, as if it has been drained. This is effective because it reflects that her soul is being taken away from her and she is changing into a cold, evil being. The iconography in the poster suggests that it is a horror film through the tag-line and main image.
The background of the image has a gradient of light, gradually going from dark at the bottom to light at the top. This could represent the imbalance of the woman's mind and the different emotions she goes through whilst being possessed. There are scratches on the walls and dirty marks which could reflect the force the being holds and the marks it has left on the woman.
The billing block is conventionally placed at the bottom of the page. It has small, compact writing so that it can have space for the actors, directors and crew.

To help me improve my first draft of my poster, I had feedback off my peers. They gave positive feedback such as "Shows good degrading of sanity", but on the other hand they gave constructive criticism such as suggesting I could make my tag-line smaller and including small details like the release date.
I also had feedback off my teacher to help me understand what I needed to do to make it better. Two strengths she highlighted were:
- Effective title with strong connotations
- Establishing character and how she changes
However, there were also areas I could improve on such as:
- Developing the image - the circle is almost too perfect (not distorted)
- The tag-line may be too formal for the audience
- Attention needed to conventional details
I completely agree with my peers and teacher's comment on how I could improve my work. I feel it needs developing in areas to make it more identifiable as a horror genre. I personally feel I could look at positioning the character differently, and make the setting clear. I could change the tagline to something more concise and position it differently on the page. I definitely need to add to conventional details to make it look like a real posters such as including media platforms.
I believe I have chosen the right character to go on the poster as the film is centred around the mother. I like how I decided to show the downfall of the character, and I would like to incorporate it into my next draft. I may look at adding finer details such as props in the setting to make it link to the film.