Tuesday 30 December 2014

Film Classification

The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) was founded in order to manage national classification and censorship of 15-films, DVD's/video's and other works that need classification. They no longer have responsibility for classifying video games. It is not organised for profit. The BBFC examines and age rates films and videos before they are released in order to protect children from harmful content. They advise people who are unsure about whether or not a film is acceptable to watch at certain ages.

To be able to reach an age rating, examiners watch an entire film and then apply the BBFC standards and criteria in their Classification Guidelines. Here is what each age rating means:

  • U - Suitable for all
  • PG - Parental Guidance 
  • 12A - Cinema release suitable for 12 years and over
  • 12 - Video release suitable for 12 years and over
  • 15 - Suitable only for 15 years and over
  • 18 - Suitable only for adults
  • R18 - Adult works for licensed premises only 

Poster - First Draft

Original Poster Analysis

Title Block 

The word 'Delirium' means a disturbed state of mind which suggests that the female in the poster is showing signs of madness and insanity. The block letters of the title add a bold effect to the poster and the shadow behind it creates a sense of mystery. Around the letters of the title, the shadows look like they have been etched in with a pen, this represents that there has been a disturbance for the woman. It is conventionally the biggest text on the page.


The tag-line 'Consumed by conjury, embodying evil' reflects that the female on the poster has been disturbed by a dark magic, and is now living with a constant evil inside her. The use of having one sentence means it is memorable and so an audience member would keep it in mind when talking about the film. It is positioned in a semi-circle shape over the image to be a part of the cycle, enhancing the image with explanation to the progression of the character being possessed. It is in the same font as the title to maintain the consistency of the film. 


The key art of the image stands out on the page and is the main focus of the poster. It shows the cycle of the progression of possession in a human being and how that person can change. The female is wearing the same costume in each photograph of her but her appearance deteriorates gradually through each image. The hair and make-up start to become more extreme and it starts to get disturbing. her collar bones start to become more prominent and sweaty which show the emaciated 'being' controlling the woman. There isn't much colour in the image, as if it has been drained. This is effective because it reflects that her soul is being taken away from her and she is changing into a cold, evil being. The iconography in the poster suggests that it is a horror film through the tag-line and main image.
The background of the image has a gradient of light, gradually going from dark at the bottom to light at the top. This could represent the imbalance of the woman's mind and the different emotions she goes through whilst being possessed. There are scratches on the walls and dirty marks which could reflect the force the being holds and the marks it has left on the woman.


The billing block is conventionally placed at the bottom of the page. It has small, compact writing so that it can have space for the actors, directors and crew. 


To help me improve my first draft of my poster, I had feedback off my peers. They gave positive feedback such as "Shows good degrading of sanity", but on the other hand they gave constructive criticism such as suggesting I could make my tag-line smaller and including small details like the release date.
I also had feedback off my teacher to help me understand what I needed to do to make it better. Two strengths she highlighted were:

  • Effective title with strong connotations
  • Establishing character and how she changes
However, there were also areas I could improve on such as:
  • Developing the image - the circle is almost too perfect (not distorted) 
  • The tag-line may be too formal for the audience
  • Attention needed to conventional details
I completely agree with my peers and teacher's comment on how I could improve my work. I feel it needs developing in areas to make it more identifiable as a horror genre. I personally feel I could look at positioning the character differently, and make the setting clear. I could change the tagline to something more concise and position it differently on the page. I definitely need to add to conventional details to make it look like a real posters such as including media platforms. 
I believe I have chosen the right character to go on the poster as the film is centred around the mother. I like how I decided to show the downfall of the character, and I would like to incorporate it into my next draft. I may look at adding finer details such as props in the setting to make it link to the film. 

Audience Mood Board

I have created this mood board to show what twenty-thirty year old's aspire to at their age: travelling, night life, marriage, new home and children. In our film plot we have included themes involving family and a new home. It targets that age range and they can relate to life experiences. By using these themes in the film plot it attracts the audience, they empathise with characters but also fear for them if they can relate to them.


To help me contribute to the group, I made sure I looked back at my analysis of horror trailers because of codes and conventions we needed to include. We have completed the storyboard as a group, I drew all of the images whilst the rest of my group helped by analysing the pictures. However, we discussed together every shot so that we were all happy about them. I feel the way we all worked together helped us achieve a product that all of us are extremely happy with so far.Although we didn't need to draw any editing technique, we made sure that we discussed transitions, timing of shots and the soundtrack. This helped us have a better understanding of what we all wanted in our end product. We still need to design our titles therefore they have not been included in our storyboard yet. This will help us be organised whilst shooting the animatic and putting shots together. Throughout the making of our storyboard we had to consider a number of questions such as:
- the location
- actors
- props
- camera angles
- camera movement
- lighting

Questionnaire Results


My group and I have made a questionnaire to help us understand what our target audience would want in a trailer.
As our film plot involves a mother and a child we want to know whether the person answering the question is a parent. When we collect our results we will see whether a parent has different ideas on horror films compared to those who aren't. Also we felt our target audience age would range between 20-30 which is why we have focussed on those ages in more depth. 
I feel that this questionnaire will help me gain a better understanding of what my group needs to achieve to create a successful trailer. It will be useful to refer back to when making decisions. We will all see what elements we need to include in the trailer to make the project a success. Here is our questionnaire: 

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Words of Horror

Here are some words to describe the horror genre and the feelings a person may get when watching a horror film.

Poster Analysis - The Apparition

By looking at this poster in depth I have learnt that the dark colour scheme creates the perfect atmosphere for a horror poster. Also the titles in capital letters are bolder and therefore are more bold and striking. The image is cleverly created and I like how the female character is the centre of attention on this poster. I believe the target audience for this film would be aged between 18-30. This film poster will be extremely useful for when I am starting to create my own poster because of the structure it has and the creativity.

Group Plot Synopsis

A family move into a quiet farm house within a small mountainous town in Wales. The family comprises of two parents, a young child and pet dog. They move into the house and in the opening scene the dog refuses to go in the house as if something is wrong and doesn’t feel safe inside. The family then go out into the garden where the young boy and his father are playing with a football but the young boy accidently ends up kicking it into the barn in the garden. The mother goes into the barn to fetch the ball, as she does this she knocks over an object which is situated around clutter. She takes a breath and a gulp as if something had gone into her body, but completely dismisses it and gives the ball back to her child.
The family leave the dog outside for the night and in the morning they wake in shock as it seems that the dog has died within its sleep on its first night stay at the house. The family continue their day to day business within the house but the mother of the family day by day is waking up with bruises on her legs and arms, they are increasing in size and colour. The family start to experience strange experiences through the night, the father and mother often hear their young boy playing late at night with someone and the sounds of footsteps can be heard throughout the hollow farmhouse. The shaking of paintings downstairs and pots and pans smashing together booming throughout the house.
The family began to notice as the first two weeks passed within staying in the house and the strange experiences occurring in the house. They decide to look into these experiences on the internet and on here they find a number for paranormal investigators and they decide to call them up to investigate the house and see if the house is in need of an exorcism after what they have discovered. The investigators ring up a Catholic church to see if they would be available to perform such thing but they said no on the terms of the religion of the house owners.At arrival of the house the crew are quick to set up the equipment within the house, when the one investigator goes within the house he is getting bad instincts about the house and that it could be possessed by a witch who once guarded the house and the witch has reached out to the mother and has trapped herself within her body and she is trying to kill the son. The mother cannot leave the house as the witch has attached herself to the house and if she tries to leave it will put her in increasing pain the further away she moves from the house.
During the first night of investigation the little boy begins sleep walking and setting off triggered alarms which cannot be set by humans and only extra-terrestrial beings, this means that he was being guided out but by who remains a mystery, he is lead to the barn outside where his favourite toy can be found with a load of old fashioned toys which were going off in a simultaneous matter. As the mothers condition gets worse as the investigators leave her in the house on her own there is then a screaming from inside the barn which can be heard from the investigators and it is an horrifying image of the mother trying to cut her sons throat open with a pair of scissors.
The spirit of the witch has almost taken over her complete body functions and is almost uncontrollable and is unable to see what she is doing is wrong. One of the team investigators believe it is too late and unless the exorcism is performed now she will be possessed by the witch and will have to be killed. Three men pin the mother down to a chair but she is stronger than ever before swatting them like flies off her and laughing smiling at them whilst she has blood dripping down her face from the struggle. The men chuck a blanket over her head and tie her up to the chair and the investigators are forced to do a exorcist themselves. The mother is seen screaming and biting her way through the blanket which is over her head and blood is slowly covering the sheet as the exorcist continues the blood is a sign of the witch leaving the mothers body. She struggles again as the witch that has possessed her gives one last fight and screams out. She is smiling as she is slowly breaking the rope which is tired around her arms. The exorcist is complete as she breaks herself free.
The family then quickly rush upstairs whilst the mother is laying recovering back to her old self, a few minutes pass and she walks through the front door whilst everyone is outside staring at her as she smiles and joins the family outside and everything is now free from her and the house is restored to its natural self. 

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Individual Plot Synopsis

In order to create a trailer, a film plot has to be made. This is my original idea for a horror film. I was inspired by films such as The Silence of The Lambs and Saw as I believe they affect an audience psychologically with the use of a taboo topic. I wanted the plot to revolve around something which people fear and believe is unthinkable which is why I chose the male character as a cannibal. It would inject fear into anyone watching it because of the nature of the character. Also I didn't want to introduce many characters into the plot because I wanted the main girl to feel isolated and alone in a horrific situation. It would make the audience feel uncomfortable and empathise with this female character.

Set in a village, a girl who is home alone for the weekend invites her friends over, they start messaging a boy at a sleepover for fun. After speaking online the girls end up shutting the laptop and going to sleep because of weird messages which they brush off.
The next morning the main girl receives a text off an unknown number, she shows her friend wondering who it could be. The girl ignores this number, but the unknown continues to message her, the best friend teases her saying she's got a stalker. She asks her best friend if her dad could scan the mobile number to find out who it is. From this the main girl finally replies to the text asking them to leave her alone, the mystery person replies with a disturbing message which makes her throw her phone across the room. The main character chooses to ignore this comment and pretends nothing has happened. She decides to take her dog out for a walk to clear her mind, she hears various noises during this, the dog gets spooked and runs the other way.
When she gets home, the front door slams behind her. She decides to spend a night in the lounge but hears a noise and starts to pull the blind up only to reveal a stranger on the other side of the window. She gets hysterical and gets a phone call from her best friend with the information of the phone number. They discover who the mystery person is but don't recognise the name. Whilst on the phone, the main girl writes the name on Google to see if there are any matches, she discovers that this man is on the run for crimes unknown. She rings the police saying there is a mysterious man on the property.
After this she receives a text from the man and she peeks out of the corner of her blinds to see no man, suddenly she feels a hand on her shoulder and the girl runs out of the house with the man walking steadily behind, following her. The girl runs into a nearby forest always looking back to see if the man is still following her, it is frantic and distorted, she eventually trips and the audience see the man standing over her, she is unconscious.
She wakes up bruised, bound and gagged in a run down barn. We hear the man talking, she looks around and realises there is no escape. The audience hear screaming, shouting and gnawing and there is blood everywhere, around the room there is flesh hanging up and tools with blood stains. The man stands there covered in blood and is heavily breathing.
The police who had been alerted by the main girl turn up at her house to see the door wide open, they call for her but they hear no answer, they call again and hear a dog barking and scratching on a door. They open it and the dog bolt's past them looking agitated, he is whining looking for his owner. They get hold of the dog whilst searching the house for the girl, there is little trace of her or evidence of what has happened.
As they are exiting the house looking for more evidence, they find a scarf hanging over the fence post, the dog responds to this and begins to track the scent of the girl. It leads the police to the barn where her remains lie with the cannibal. As the murderer is scrubbing his hands and dowsing the barn with petrol to destroy the evidence the police see a figure in the ban from a distance. The police split up and surround the barn to capture this man, as they are doing so, the murderer hears rustling outside and starts to panic, he walks towards the door and lights a match, ready to set fire to the place. The police storm thought the door with weapons, shining torches into the barn and see evidence confirming the girl is dead. As they are about to arrest him he starts laughing, showing the blood between his teeth. he knows if he is arrested he will face life in prison and would rather die than be held accountable for his crimes. he knows his time is up and the audience see him drop the lit match out of his hand, which is the last shot of the film.

Horror Genre

I have created a mood board to show a range of films that fit into the horror genre, such as:

  • Saw
  • The Silence of the Lambs
  • The Conjuring
  • Nosferatu
  • Insidious 
From researching around the genre I have identified that 'horror' has adapted over the years to create a darker, blood-thirsty image in films. When comparing a film such as Psycho to Saw it is noticeable that a modern horror consists of a darker visual aspect. Although the old and new consist of very similar themes and ideas, modern horror films have become a lot more graphic. 
Some sub-genres of horror include:
  • Psychological Horror
  • Slasher
  • Science fiction Horror
  • Comedy Horror

Thursday 2 October 2014

Trailer Analysis Presentation - As Above, So Below

As Above, So Below was released in August 2014 and therefore is very new. The film delves deep into the underground of Paris to look for historical treasure in the catacombs (click next). This is the poster for the film; the Eiffel Tower is upside down with skulls surrounding the bottom of it. It shows the seemingly endless amount of dead people who lie beneath. This poster could suggest that because the picture is upside down the dead have control over the living (click next).

From watching this trailer it is clear that the genre of the film is a thriller/horror. This is identified through the mise-en-scene, diegetic and non-diegetic music and the narrative of the trailer. Examples of these are skulls and dialogue such as “The gate of hell”. There is a fear of the unknown throughout the trailer, therefore adding to its thriller genre. The film is based on real life catacombs in Paris which could be called ‘The World’s Largest Grave’ as it holds the remains of about six million people. This adds to the fear for the audience as they are real which consequently heightens the horror in the film, adding to the genre (click next). I asked a number of people to watch the trailer and asked them what features of the trailer identify the genre. One person said “The Title underpins the sinister nature of the film”, which I totally agree with because ‘below’ could be a reference to hell as it is based on death. Another person said it was the music that “stood out for them to confirm its genre”; by this they mean the non-diegetic music which is eerie at first with just one piano note playing constantly. It builds throughout the trailer to create tension, ending with a drum beat which is typical of a horror trailer. The pace of the trailer was also mentioned, it starts at a steady pace, slows and gradually gets faster until the shots flash before a person’s eyes to build the adrenaline (click next). The trailer creates a sense of narrative and a plot through the mise-en-scene, dialogue, titles and props (click next). This trailer creates a code of enigma by making the audience ask questions such as ‘What are the hidden historical facts in the catacombs?’, ‘How did these people get trapped? It makes the audience want to know more about the film (click next).

The trailer uses lots of titles to get information through to the audience, these are some of them. They try to inject fear into their audience by saying ‘But the world doesn’t know its darkest secret’. It makes people feel nervous when hearing fearful words about a hidden secret. The title “Your past will haunt you” is aimed at the audience who are watching the trailer, making them feel like they are a part of the horror making them feel targeted (click next).

I would say the target audience’ age for this film is around 18-25 because it features young students. I believe that because the film is based on the historic catacombs it also appeals to a specific audience who are interested in archaeology. The BBFC classed this film as a 15. (click next).

The trailer lasts for two minutes and thirty seconds and if I counted correctly I believe there are about 100 shots in this trailer which is why it is so fast paced towards the end, they did this to create a sense of chaos. There were a few shots that stood out for me in the trailer, firstly (click next) this establishing aerial shot of Paris. It is a deceiving image showing Paris in a relaxed setting with a slight sunset which is a complete contrast to what lies beneath the city. It has been used to show that is a state of equilibrium at the beginning of the film. It is a stereotypical image of Paris, the city that people adore. (click next). The next shot is a medium close up of a girl screaming and shouting covered in what looks like mud. It creates a sense of panic and is not a nice visual image to see as it shows the girl struggling. This image is hard for the audience to watch as it shows she is trapped underground, isolated in a claustrophobic area. The image is very dark reflecting the souls that live below the city. It could also represent the girl’s bleak situation as everything is dark which gives the impression there is no way out. Near the end of the trailer a man says “It wasn't my fault”, as he is thrown into the fire. This fire sequence enhances the evil nature of the film. The fire could represent hell and show that people are sacrificing him as their minds are being twisted by dark spirits. This is suggested because the car starts to twist into the middle of the room and sink into the ground, pulling the characters minds into hell with the spirits. At the end of the film the title is shown with a symbol of a circle, with a triangle and a square which represents the holy trinity or possibly illuminati. This suggests that the illuminati may have something to do with what’s going on under the catacombs and obviously there is a religious connection. It gives a mysterious edge to the film with a fear of the unknown. It pushes the audiences imagination and curiosity about what the symbol means (click next).

Common camera work in horror trailers are close up’s, establishing shot’s, zooming and tracking, all these elements equal a trailer which will scare an audience. A lot of these effects were used in this trailer such as the hand held camera which is shown in this image. It created a sense of distortion and panic (click next). The transitions in the trailer consisted mostly of cuts at different paces. As the pin started to drop that there was something wrong and the balance of the film was broken there were a lot of fade to and from black transitions. Also there were digital effects such as the camera turning on and starting a shot creating a fuzzy image, this makes the trailer seem like it was filmed by the characters in the film. Also some of the shots were taken as pictures which were effective because it created a better sense of narrative in the trailer (click next).

Diegetic sound was used in the trailer to give away some of the narrative and to inform the audience on the situation. The first thing the audience hears a character say is “My name is Scarlet Marlow, and I’m a student in urban archaeology”, this dialogue opens the trailer and lets the audience know information on the main character. They find out the narrative when she says “370 feet below this point is a hidden chamber that might contain a critical missing piece of our history”. Dialogue is also used to scare the audience, for example when a man says “What the hell do we do now?” and “It wasn’t my fault”. What wasn’t his fault? It leads the audience to asking questions about the film. Also the use of silence makes the audience anticipate that something is about to jump on the screen which is a good way of scaring an audience (click next).

The use of non-diegetic sound created an atmosphere. It started with just one piano note playing which was then heightened when the catacombs were mentioned to show that they have a huge part to play in this film. There is non-diegetic sound of camera’s taking photos to show that they are taking photos are they go around to collect information. Stereotypical drum beats which sound like heart beats start creating a darker mood and build the intensity. Also the use of strings was effective as it sounded sinister and a siren could be heard which could reflect that they are being warned about something. A child’s laugh is also heard which always makes the audience scared when watching a horror film, especially because in this trailer there is no sight of a child meaning there may be a dead child’s sprit lurking below (click next).

The trailer sets up expectations from watching it such as the audience expect to see bones, death and chambers underground. The mood of the film is very dark which is very atmospheric, it is typical of a horror trailer because of the features it includes (click next). The mise-en-scene is made up of props like maps and bones but a lot of the film was filmed in the actual catacombs that are open to the public which created a realistic setting. The lighting is very effective when they are inside the catacombs as at one point the only light being shone is through the characters head lights reflecting that the only way they can get out is being guided by each other. Costume and make-up were used to enhance the severity of a situation, such as cuts on the body. The wide shot of the body hanging from the ceiling is a disturbing image, the red lighting reflecting danger suggests that this person has been hung by someone or something and that it is a potential frightening outcome for anyone investigating the catacombs (click next). The trailer suggests that the main girl Scarlet becomes friends with other archaeologists, and that is why they are all going into the catacombs together, they are all friends but she is particularly close to another male suggesting there may be a relationship (click next).

This film studio used the trailer to market its product because it is more engaging for an audience to watch clips from a film to see if they would enjoy it. It makes the audience use a lot of their senses which keeps their attention when watching it. As a promotional device it is the best way to get viewers. This trailer grabs an audience as it never stops offering more information on the film. In my audience research a person said “It makes you want to go and see the film” which shows it is successfully bringing in their audience (click next). I believe it has successfully targeted its audience because it offers everything a thriller/horror film needs such as death, panic, fear of the unknown. For those people who would watch it because of the historical background they get to see inside the catacombs which means they get an insight into what they really look like (click next). Here are a list of some conventions that have been used in the trailer. They have all been used to create a successful trailer portraying a thriller/horror film, without them it wouldn’t have the same effect (click next). Overall trailers can make or break a film. If they don’t grab the audience’s attention then no-one will go to see it. Examples of successful horror trailers are The Shining, What Lies Beneath and The Woman in Black.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Film Genre

To be able to devise a film plot, I must have a particular genre in mind. Therefore to make a decision I must research different film categories so I fully understand what they include which will be essential when producing my film plot and trailer.

Action & Adventure 

These two genres are normally categorised together because they aim to achieve an action filled film that is energetic and full of visual spectacles. The audience expect to see explosions, fight scenes and hero's and villains to name a few.
Examples of an action/adventure film include:

  • Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • The Hunger Games
  • The Dark Knight
  • King Arthur  
Action and adventure films are intended to appeal mainly to men because of their masculine nature however, females can also enjoy this genre even though it is not targeted at them. 
I feel it would be extremely difficult to make a trailer with this genre as it would require an expensive budget to make it successful but some scenes could be achievable with the right mise-en-scene if it were available.

Romantic Comedy's 

Rom-com's are usually associated with a female audience and therefore need include material that will attract this audience. Some expectations included in this film genre are: a relationship, disruptions, an element of humour to make it light hearted and easy going for people to watch and happy endings.
Films that follow this type of structure are:
  • The Holiday
  • When Harry Met Sally
  • Bridget Jones's Diary
  • Love Actually
I believe it would be extremely difficult to portray a realistic relationship in my trailer without it looking cheesy. As I will be using amateur actors, it would be hard to make them feel comfortable with each other, it wouldn't work. It would be easy to create the mise-en-scene of the scenes as it wouldn't require a huge budget, and romance would be easy to create with non-diegetic music and dialogue but overall it wouldn't be easy to                                                                 achieve. 


Conventions of horror films are very distinctive in a film, examples of these are: death, dark lighting, blood, suspense, violence. These types of films are stereotypically targeted at men, but also appeal to females depending on the narrative of the film. Here are some examples of famous horror films:
  • The Shining
  • Sinister
  • The Exorcist 
  • The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 
When looking into the mise-en-scene of horror films, I believe I could achieve a successful horror trailer as they don't require a big budget, just cleverly thought out shots to scare the audience. It is also easy to have dark lighting as it could be filmed during the winter/ in the night. It is a genre that I may think of doing for my trailer because of this.


Thriller's are similar to horror movies as they aim to scare the audience which is why these genre's can be paired together. This genre scares it's audience by using tension, excitement and suspense. They tend to give the audience adrenaline when watching the film because it is fast paced. Examples of thrillers are:
  • Shutter Island
  • The Woman in Black
  • Psycho
  • The Silence of the Lambs
The target audience for this genre are also predominately male depending on the film. I also believe that a thriller trailer could be exciting to make but not too technical. It carries the same elements as a horror and wouldn't need a lot of money to produce a good trailer. I could create a trailer with this genre successfully.

After exploring different genre's I have decided to look further into horror/thriller trailers because I am interested to see the techniques they use to entice an audience. I believe using this genre would be the most achievable trailer to make successfully.