Thursday 30 April 2015

Film Magazine Image

This is the image I have chosen for my magazine. I wanted the character of the Mother to pose for the camera as I like the use of a character for the main image. I was inspired by the Total Film magazine of Alice in Wonderland to include the teddy in my image because it adds another element into the image, creating a better code of enigma.
The Mother is symbolising the teddy bear to be quiet, which makes the audience ask questions such as "What is she stopping him from saying?", "What is the secret?". It links the two characters together, showing they are the main villains in the film with the body language and mise-en-scene.
Although the image is successful, I felt it needed to stand out more, therefore I edited the image on Photoshop. I changed the contrast and exposure in the image to make it darker. The eyes in this image are blue, and I felt it didn't make the character look menacing. Therefore I edited the eyes to make them look red, representing danger and blood. This is the new image:

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