Tuesday 28 April 2015

Poster Redraft

After looking at my feedback from my previous draft, I wanted to address the issues and change the design of the poster. This is my second draft:

I still wanted to show the different sides to the main character in the film, but I felt this could be more achievable if it were only two images of the Mother. The left hand side of her face is the possessed side of her character. I wanted to use the left side for this because it is normally associated with villains and bad characters. On the right hand side of the poster, the image would be of the Mother as she is normally, showing the two contrasting sides to the character. I would achieve this by taking two images of the Mother in the same location, and then edit the photos together to fit with one another. I feel this image would show the distortion of the female character effectively, which was one of my areas for improvement on my previous draft. I was inspired by the poster for Spiderman:

Although it is a superhero movie, I liked how it showed the heroic side to the character and the everyday citizen. I felt this could be achieved well in a horror movie poster, especially for a character that is possessed.

I also decided to change the tag-line as there were comments that it could be deemed to formal. Therefore, I decided to use the tag-line 'Fear Her' instead. The word 'Fear' is situated to the left of the image, showing that the audience should fear this side of the character, and the word 'Her' is situated to the right, showing that she is an innocent human being. I feel that this tag-line is short and catchy, and will be memorable for the audience.
I have still placed the billing block at the bottom of the page as it is conventional. The title of the film has stayed the same, as my group and I feel it has strong connotations with the female character and works well with the storyline.

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