Tuesday 28 April 2015

Film Poster Progress

I have added in the tag-line 'Fear Her', in the same position I had planned it to be. I feel it is in a good position at the top of the page, however, it is quite hard to read and therefore I may look at increasing the font size.
I have increased the size of the title block so that it is noticeably the film title. It makes more of an impact on the page, it creates a block of writing which I feel is quite strong and bold. I also increased the size of the billing-block so that people could read it, also, I wanted it to stretch across the whole of the bottom of the page because it is more conventional.
To show that there are media platforms I included a Facebook page and a Twitter page at the bottom of the poster, so that the audience can find out more information if they are interested.
Once I had added more detail into my poster, I decided that my image did fall to the back of the page. Consequently, I decided to edit the image and make the eyes stand out. I did this by going on Photoshop and editing the clarity. By doing this, it has made the image the dominant feature on the page, which is what I wanted, and I believe it has improved the image.

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