Thursday 30 April 2015

Magazine - First Draft

After researching real media magazines, I have tried to base my design on what the current market are using to target their audience.
The main image of the magazine would be a medium shot of the mother, in a possessed state, to introduce that side of the character to the reader. She would be holding the teddy bear to show that it plays a big role in the film. Also, it would reveal some clues to the audience via the stitches on the teddy.
I wanted the masthead to have connotations with film. I started to mind map a number of words I associated with film, action being one of them. I felt that the masthead 'ACTION' would link to the well known phrase 'Lights, camera, action", reminding the reader what the magazine is about.  Also, it represents that there are a lot of films that the magazine review, and they take 'action' into making sure their readers have the best reviews and information.
I want the splash to be situated across the main image, so that it is the second largest writing on the page. I want it to be in the same font as it is on other platforms to keep continuity. The sell lines will revolve around the horror genre as I want the magazine to be a horror edition. Therefore, I want to state what films have already/are coming out in 2015.
I included a pug in my design as conventionally, a lot of magazines have them. The barcode, issue date, issue number and price are all situated together at the bottom of the page. I wanted to make sure I included all the small conventions as they are integral for a magazine. I also included the web address for the magazine underneath the masthead to show that the brand have other platforms, and this may appeal to a younger audience. I have used a colour scheme of red, black, grey and white because it reflects the horror genre.

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